Monday, December 30, 2024

God's Greatness


    God is great.  We can see His greatness in his timelessness and vastness.  His greatness is unmeasurable and incomparable.  He is the designer of this beautiful world.  He is the original artist.  He provided variety.  He gives us so much beauty and variety that we can easily get distracted.  Some people worship what God created instead of God Himself.  He is the creator, so it is safe to say He is greater than His creation.
    When you can see and appreciate how Great God is, then you can use wisdom to worship.  Knowledge can lead to worship because you see how much more His than your own little world.  You understand that He is always working and that you will never fully comprehend how much.  Humans have limits, so we try to limit God too.  Instead of limiting God, use your wisdom to live with integrity and allow Him to be seen in your life.
    God is the origin of truth.  He is all powerful, eternal, and the original creator of all good things in the world.  However, He still seeks a personal relationship with each and every one of us.  This truth makes Him unique and separates Him from all false Gods.  He is the original who gives each of us unique qualities.  He provides prosperity in various ways.  Nothing that we do will ever compare.

Isaiah 40:12-20

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God the Creator

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