Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Worship Takes Trust


    As the New Year approaches you can set resolutions or you can take a step forward in faith.  You can take a look at your life and be critical or you can see opportunities to grow or change.  There is no reason to put unrealistic goals that will only trip you up.  Instead look for ways to walk closer to God and to worship Him.  
    To worship God requires faith.  Worship will never be genuine if you do not trust Him.  How can you trust Him if you don't believe in His Word? How can you even know what to believe if you don't know His Word.
    Start the New Year looking at one of God's promises and take a deep dive.  Figure out if you trust all of it.  If you don't, then why?  God makes the impossible possible.  He can change the unchangeable.  The subject matter doesn't matter: your body, life, money, health, relationships, church, work, or anything else that plagues your thoughts.  God is in the details.  He is working for the good of everyone who walks faithfully.
    You need to trust God to worship because worship is an act of obedience.  It requires prayer that seeks to be closer to God.  It is working with your church to serve God humbly.  Worship is far more than attending a church service.  
    You can face life and still have worship in your heart and mind because you trust that God is going through life with you.  Walking in faith makes facing life better because you find restoration.  God has given you your life.  What we make of that life is up to each of us.  God can do anything.  He is limitless, so don't put limits on Him.  Are you ready to step into the New Year in faith?

Isaiah 40:12-24 & Romans 12:3-5

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