Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Christian Relationship to the World Part 1


    You either love this world or you hate it.  There are some warning signs that Christians need to look for to avoid the world getting a stronghold on them.  The goal is to stay free from the power of sin over your life because of your relationship with Jesus.  It is more than good behavior.  It is a relationship that you value over your own selfish desires.
    When you start putting your desires over what you know you should do, that is a warning sign that you are walking away from God and not nurturing that relationship.  If you ignore the warning signs, then you walk into trouble.  You can't blame God when your life gets all messed up when you ignored all the warning signs that He tried to give you.
    The Holy Spirit will place things on your conscience.  God will place people in your life.  He will allow things to happen to try to redirect you.  He has provided the Bible to give you daily guidance.  No one can say that God has not done His part to try to protect us from ourselves.  If you observe and heed His warnings, then life will be much less troublesome.
    Satan will make God's path look hard and difficult.  He will twist the truth to make God look like an overbearing parent.  He will do whatever he can to make it look too hard to walk with Jesus.  If you ignore Satan's lies, then you will discover that Jesus' path is not easy per say, but He is there with you.  You never have to journey life alone.  Satan will never be there for you, so ultimately following him leads to a much harder path.  His way leads to eternal suffering. 
    It is up to you to decide this new year to overcome obstacles to stay in a close relationship with God.  It helps to measure what is happening in life to God's Word.  It will never lead you astray.  Science can back up how God's diet is actually health beneficial.  Working hard leads to a better quality of life.  Morals will build a strong character.  You may have to give some things up right now, but it is for your benefit.  Your relationship is personal, so you need to work that out in God's Word and prayer.
    God's way does not normally lead to immediate satisfaction, but it does lead to a much better over all life.  He has made His standards clear.  He has not moved.  He puts in much more work in the relationship than you do.  It is up to you to take responsibility over your part.  You will only be as close to God this year as you want to be.  You live in this world, but you do not belong to it.

John 17:13-19, Romans 12:1-2, & 1 John 2:15-17

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