Thursday, January 2, 2025

Christian Relationship to the World Part 2


    All Christians are evangelist in this world.  We hold that title because we are here to serve God, not the world.  We are meant to influence the world, but not allow the world to influence us.  It is a struggle because our natural nature is to be in the flesh and live like the world.  It requires a transformation that comes with salvation and daily maintenance.
    New believers need to acknowledge their struggle and not get caught up in the spiritual high that comes with salvation.  It is the only way they can guard themselves through obedience and not fall back into the same old traps that they lived in before their step of faith.  No one is perfect, but some strongholds that happen before salvation are really hard to break.
    We all need to look for areas of vulnerability to fall into sin.  It changes up at times to keep us on our toes.  That is why you need to fully understand God's nature and how He holds more power than anything else in your life if you are willing to surrender it all to Him.  
    God is merciful.  He sent His son to be the ultimate and only truly pure sacrifice.  He allowed Jesus to suffer and die on a cross (a truly horrific death) to show us how much He loves us.  God loves each and every one of his creations, but especially people.  He created us unique to be able to have a real relationship with us. 
    However, God hates sin.  He will not allow sin anywhere near Him.  It is repulsive in every way.  At the same time He also provides us with a radical deliverance from sin through salvation.  Salvation is a free gift, but comes with an oath that you will faithfully follow Jesus.  
    Salvation is more than an obligation to follow Jesus.  It is to exchange the power of sin over you to embrace the power of God.  No one deserves is, but those who accept it are blessed by deliverance.  How you choose to live your life tells the world if you love it or if you love Jesus.

John 14:30-31, 15:18-27, 16:5-15, 17:13-19, Romans 11:25-36, & Ephesians 2:1-3

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