Saturday, December 14, 2024

Law of Grace in Tithing


    Under the Law of Grace it is a requirement to give a tithe to follow Jesus.  It is listed under the sermon of Woes as the fifth woe.  Tithing falls under the Law of Justice with mercy and faithfulness.  It means that Christians should tithe on everything: giving to the government, faith led by the Holy Spirit, mercy, money, time, attention, things, and energy.
    We all need money to survive, but not acknowledging where the money comes from steals all meaning from the blessing.  To tithe is an action of obedience without neglecting the acts of daily Christian walk.
    Jesus commanded those that follow him to tithe.  It is a spiritual crime to neglect God with what you need to survive.  Tithing is the most elementary action of your Christian walk.  Attending Church without giving back means that you go to church for yourself, not to honor God.  Tithing from your income is basic, but as you mature you learn how to tithe with committing to the church and getting involved.
    Tithing without ever thinking about what you are giving back to God is a sign of a maturing Christian.  If you are looking at your tithe and thinking of better ways to use the money or time, then you still have a ways to go to become a mature Christian or you are backsliding.  
    Your heart condition on giving back to God defines how close you are to God.  God is your financial leader.  When you have a joyful attitude about giving, then you are blessed in ways that people may never see.  Tithing is common sense to true followers of Jesus.
    Do not give with the desire to be blessed or it goes no where.  Give your tithe as an act of love.  If you love God, then you are obedient to Him.  It is a way to display your love.  You do not have to make a spectacle of it.  
    In the world today, you can use your bank bill pay to give without anyone other than the church secretary knowing.  In the average church, only 20% of the people give.  Imagine what the church could do if the other 80% started to tithe.  
    Tithing is not to make the preacher rich, but we do have a responsibility to take care of our spiritual leaders.  They have a responsibility to God to handle the money for missions, church, survival, and helping the community.  The church needs to allow them to do as the Holy Spirit directs.  If they do not, then they will have to deal with God.  You be obedient and let them take care of their own spiritual well being.

Matthew 23:23-24, Romans 6:12-14, Galatians 3:21-22, Ephesians 2:8-10, & Titus 3:3-7

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