Friday, December 13, 2024

Tithe Covenant


    Abraham turned tithing into an act of worship, but it was Jacob that turned it into a personal covenant.  Abraham is the one that basically tithing into giving back 10% of all that you get.  Jacob made a vow that turned into a covenant with God making tithing a serious business.  
    Tithing is more than money.  It is giving offerings of what you have: time, money, things, personality, and deeds.  God promised Jacob land and a many descendant.  Jacob asked for protection, food, and clothing in return that location would be a standing memorial pillar for God to be a place of worship and giving. 
    It is easier to give when you have nothing.  That is why it can be better to have less. If you are able to tithe when you have less versus more, then it is better to be aligned with God than to be wealthy and struggle with Him.  
    Tithing is an act of honor and servitude to God.  That is why you give from the top instead of the leftovers.  You are giving without thinking about it because it has become part of your nature.  You are also giving God your best instead of the junk that no one would want.  If you tip a server good, then you better be tithing better.  He is the source of all you have and server works hard, but doesn't actually care about you.
    If you choose not to tithe, then you need to understand that you are choosing to rob God of what is rightfully His.  It is not good to test God.  To deny God is a declaration that you do not have faith that He will take care of you.  You are basically saying that you don't trust God's power or Word.  Try it once and see how God uses what you give and what you keep.
    You shouldn't think of it as another bill to pay, but an act of worship in honoring who God is and what He has done in your life.  If you treat tithing as an act of worship, then you can really see what God does with the remaining 90% you keep.  He can make it seem like you had more than if you had kept the whole amount.  You may not be like Jacob and see Heaven open up, but you will see personal touches happening in your life.  You will receive blessings and so will the people you love that follow your leadership.

Genesis 14:17:24, 28:10-22

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