Thursday, December 19, 2024

On the Mountain Top


    When you are on the mountain top you see great things.  This is literal and metaphoric.  The journey to the mountain top takes work.  It prepares you for what is to come.  When you get to the top you appreciate the journey.  When it is a spiritual journey the most important thing is that you receive and follow God's instructions.  It will keep you out of all kinds of trouble that could prevent you from getting to the mountain top and receiving your blessing.
    Immanuel means God is with us.  Christmas is a mountain top, but to truly appreciate it, you need to put some thought, preparation time, and remembrance into the journey.  God is really with us.  He sent His son to us because He loves us.  We should get excited about that.  It is exciting that the Holy Spirit lives life with us.  We are never alone in the journey, but we can still have peace, quiet, and stillness.
    God is in every aspect of life.  As long as we live, He is there.  He meets us where we are in the journey when we are ready to meet Him.  He takes a lot of the load off our shoulders and travels with us.  He helps us grow.  It is our choice to journey throughout life alone or with Jesus.
    Free will is one of the best gifts that God gave us, but it is one that can get us in a lot of trouble if we don't handle it responsibly.  God is the Lord over our hearts or Satan is.  Either way you have someone ruling your heart.  You travel with God or you travel with Satan.  It is your choice and you can't blame anyone else for where the destination takes you.
    Jesus came into this world to deliver us from Satan's control.  Believe it or not, you need God.  You need Him in every aspect of your life: the valleys, the journey, and the mountain top.  Like it or not, you are never alone.  He is there until the final moment, but you can journey your whole like like you are alone by ignoring Him.  It is your choice.  Remember this Christmas why Jesus came.  He came for you and enjoy the mountain top with him.  Do not be afraid to take that journey.

Exodus 34:1-11, 1 Kings 18:26-39, Proverbs 21:31, & Matthew 1:20-23

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