Friday, December 20, 2024

The Mountaintop


    When you are on the mountaintop, it is time to prepare for the Valley.  You spent a lot of time and energy to get to the mountaintop.  You appreciate the view and enjoy your time at the top, but you have to go back down eventually.  The best way to prepare is to listen to God's voice.
    When Jesus was on the mountaintop with Peter, John, & James, it was life changing.  Jesus transfigured before their eyes.  Moses and Elijah came for a visit.  It was like a dream that could terrify or exhilarate a person.  It is enough to make you flee to never want to leave that moment.  For those three it was pretty much a perfect day.
    The things is that Jesus almost always had the twelve apostles with him at all times.  Why did he only take three this time?  Maybe they were the only three ready for the experience.  Maybe they were the only three that needed it at that time.  We may never know, but God did choose those three to experience that mountaintop with him.  They got to experience something special and then they had to go back to their "normal" lives.  (How normal could life be to live life with Jesus?)
    We have those spiritual high moments.  We all experience mountaintops.  We all have feelings that we don't want things to change, but reality is that we can't stay on the mountaintop.  Do not try to hold on out of fear of the unknown. Choose obedience and walk in strong faith.  God is bigger than any unknown.  He has control, so you can walk in confidence.
    Jezebel wanted to kill all of God's prophets, but God protected them.  The mountaintops are great, but they can take a lot out of you when you walk off the mountain top.  Elijah hit major depression.  We all need to take time to recover from the journey, but never forget there is work to be done in the valley too.  Remember there is always an order of progression.
    Are you willing to show up when it is not where you may want to be in life?  The journey is very hard at times, but if you endure then the reward is worth it.  If you obediently make it to the mountaintop, then you may just see God's power in a new way.  You may just experience the impossible.  If you walk in faith, then people can experience God through your life.

1 Kings 18:26-36, Matthew 9:18-34, & Luke 9:28-36

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