Saturday, December 21, 2024

Value the Mountaintop


    The mountaintop of life have value.  We should not take them for granted.  While you are on the mountaintop, you get perspective.  You can learn humility.  You can find peace and joy.  The mountaintop can be a place of healing and rest.  
    When you are on the mountaintop you have access to a view that you don't have at ground level.  You can see the impossible become possible if you choose obedience to God.  Living out your faith establishes opportunities to see miracles, great things, God moving, restoration, and revival of things you thought were lost forever.  True salvation produces gratitude on the mountaintop.  
    Salvation is only the beginning.  When you appreciate the moments on the mountaintop as a Christian, you are reminded of what is important.  You are able to see the work you have ahead of you hold value.  You see Jesus' sacrifice as the doorway to peace. His human beginning all started through an engaged couple that didn't understand what was happening in their lives, but accepted and obeyed.  They lived extraordinary lives because of their obedience.
    The victories in life belong to God, but we are a part of the process.  We have a role in the big picture that support's God's ultimate victory.  When you are going through the hard times, remember why you are not giving up.

Proverbs 21:31, Matthew 1:20-23, & Luke 9:28-36

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