Monday, December 16, 2024

Second Advent Sunday


    The count down to Christmas is about anticipation and preparation.  The second Advent Sunday is about peace.  It is about making space for Jesus in our lives, so not to get caught up in the world wind of events.  It is a reminder to pray for peace in our hearts, families, communities, nations, and the world.  
    On the second advent Sunday you relight the first candle and then you light the second candle to emphasis faith and hope in Jesus' coming.  This is the Sunday that is typically focused on John the Baptist and his reaction to Jesus.  Preachers will point out how Jesus' birth includes Gentiles in having the opportunity for salvation.  
    God told Malachi that He was sending a messenger to prepare a way before me.  This was 400 years before John the Baptist or Jesus were born.  The savior that the Jews were seeking will suddenly come to his temple.  How will the people endure?  Who will be able to face him?  He came to purify, so that we can be acceptable to God.  Jesus came to make things right.
    Praise God for redemption.  Praise God for Jesus, the mighty savior.  God is merciful by never forgetting His promises.  He sent John to prepare the way and Jesus to be the savior.  Jesus is the light, our salvation, and forgiver of sins.  God's tender mercy was proven through Jesus.  Jesus came to guide us to the path of peace and hope.
    When you pray thank God and make request in joy.  Pray for the people spreading the Good News.  Pray for those that defend and confirm the truth.  God knows how much you love Jesus and the world sees it in your compassion.  Pray that your love overflows and that you keep growing in your knowledge and understanding.  Grow in your faith to live pure and blameless lives.  Pray the the fruits of your salvation thrive and bring God the glory.
    Do not forget that a day can be like a thousand years for people.  God is not slow to keep His promises, but He is patient.  He wants everyone to repent and gives us time, but the day of the Lord is coming.  On that day everything will be destroyed and remade.  The world will be filled with God's righteousness.  While you wait make every effort to live in peace.  Live in purity and blameless while remembering Gog's patience.  Don't lose your footing.  

Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 1:68-79, Philippians 1:3-11, & 2 Peter 3:8-18

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