Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Third Advent Sunday


    The third advent Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday.  Gaudete is Latin for Rejoice.  The third advent Sunday represents rejoicing.  You have found hope and peace, now you find the joy in Christmas.  The joy comes from the announcement that Jesus was born.  Your joy in the good news that you can have salvation if you just accept it.  Find your joy in the fact the He is returning.
    When you are in the darkness and you see a light, it is Jesus.  He brings light to the darkest places.  His light brings rejoicing.  His presence on Earth broke the burden of slavery to sin.  He broke the oppressor's control where it can't destroy you anymore.  God sent His son to show us a better way.  His peace never ends.  His rule is fair, just, and passionate.
    One day all Christians will all rejoice and thrive when Jesus returns.  His birth brought singing and joy.  God's glory was given to the world for a while.  This is the good news.  Do not be afraid, but find strength in the truth.  Jesus came to free you.  Believe and have your eyes opened and ears unplugged.  Rejoice in the truth.
    Jesus' birth brought overwhelming joy.  His life, death, and resurrection brought freedom to be able to have salvation.  He dresses his followers in righteousness.  He is justice brought to the world.  Rejoice in His righteousness when you understand your freedom.
    The night Jesus was born, there were some shepherds in a nearby field watching over their sheep.  Suddenly an angel appeared to them telling them not to be afraid, but rejoice because he brought joyful news.  The savior, their Messiah, had been born that night.  The angel then gave them the sign to be able to find Jesus and what to look for once they arrived.
    When you suffer for following Jesus remember the value in it.  You have been called by God to live a humble and gentle life.  Be patient with people and make allowances for their faults because you love like Jesus.  Make every effort to live in peace and work as one body with fellow Christians.  You have been called to a glorious hope: Jesus.  You have your faith in the truth and that is enough to rejoice no matter the circumstances.

Isaiah 9:2-7, 35:1-6, 61:10, Luke 2:8-12, & Philippians 4:1-6

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