Sunday, December 8, 2024

Spiritual Vs Cardinal


    There are two different kinds of Christians: Spiritual and Cardinal.  The best examples laid out relationally are Abraham and Lot.  They were both true believers, but they lived out their faith very differently.  Abraham was faithful in his walk with God.  Lot was walked more cardinally which means his faith was true, but he allowed the world to influence how he lived more.
    The goal of a true Christian is to faithfully grow in their relationship with God, but we all go through times of being cardinal as we mature in our walk.  Cardinal Christians live in the flesh revealing a lack of growth or awareness in faith.  
    Abraham was not perfect, but he tried to do everything in God's will.  He made bad choices in life, but he is still considered a spiritual Christian.  He even became a forefather for the Christian faith.  He was a leader that showed people how to follow God.
    Lot was Abraham's family, so Abraham always wanted what was best for him.  Lot was righteous in his faith, but he followed Abraham's example instead of turning to God himself.  He never got in the habit of practicing faith or working it out to make it stronger.  This means he had a profession of faith without practicing it.
    Christianity is not inherited.  It is not going to church every time the doors are open.  Church is good and you should learn a lot, but it is about investing your time and energy in your relationship with God.  It is learning discernment to see the advantages of following God over the worldly path.  
    Just because you were raised in a Christian home and always went to church does not mean that you are a Christian.  It is a choice you have to make for yourself based on faith in Jesus.  You can't live to follow God and follow the world at the same time.  You have to decide for yourself.

Genesis 13:5-18

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