Friday, January 10, 2025

A Proven Disciple


    There are so many books about discipleship and how to be a disciple.  Most are good and informative, but ultimately all we need is the Bible.  A disciple is a follower of Jesus.  They are dedicated to his teachings and try to live like he did.  They use the lessons learned by him to direct their lifestyle and attitude.
    A proven disciple is someone who understands and applies obedience, love, and commitment.  They produce fruits of the spirit in their lives.  They are people that take action, but their actions may be subtle.  The point is not grand gestures or to be notices.  The point is to get God's plan into actuality.  When it involves people, it is normally a lot of small details until the big picture comes together and then everything happens quickly.
    A proven disciple understands how to love like Jesus loves.  They choose to love that way because they genuinely love Jesus.  It is an attitude more than feelings.  The choice to love and have a loving attitude directs how they act toward people and in the world.
    Every Christian has the opportunity to be a disciple.  It comes down to if they are willing to be a living sacrifice.  A living sacrifice is someone who chooses to live holy and acceptable to God on a daily basis.  This means they spend time with God and choose loving obedience to God's way over their own personal desires.
    A disciple starts with being a Christian that becomes a living witness.  Their actions become of service instead of a hinderance to God's Word.  Their salvation motivates them into acting in love instead of impulse.  They understand that Christianity is more than tradition, so they faithfully step out of their comfort zone into the unknown.  Through walking in faith you become a living sacrifice to bring glory to God's name.  It is a process.
    Christians should be thankful that they get to be a living sacrifice.  Jesus didn't want to go die on the cross.  He actually did know what would happen and he still did it.  We face hard times and some people even become martyrs, but none of us know exactly what will happen.  If you did, would you still follow through?  Would you willingly yield yourself to pain for the glory of God?  Are you willing to endure spiritual warfare or physical discomfort for your testimony?  

Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 8:34-38, Luke 9:23-27, John 13:31-35, 15:5-8, & Romans 12:1-5

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