Saturday, January 11, 2025

Attitude Like Jesus


    All Christians need to strive to have an attitude like Jesus, but where do you start?  You can't just decide to change your attitude.  It takes steps.  To step toward a new attitude means you have to change your thought process and heart condition.  It is not natural to be like Jesus.  It takes determination.
    You start changing your attitude by renewing your mind everyday.  You need to be intentional or you will never make time for Jesus every single day.  The day will get away from you and leave you exhausted, so you actually have to schedule alone time with God.  
    As you start renewing your mind, you motivations begin to shift.  You will become more faithful.  For some this can happen quickly and for others it will happen slowly over time.  No one's relationship with God is exactly like another.  The only thing that can be the same is how you view your alone time with Jesus as an opportunity to grow that relationship.
    For your attitude to change into something you don't know or fully understand it takes trust.  Once you really trust your salvation, God, and listen to the Holy Spirit you can really delight in God and your time with Him.  
    How do you become intentional about your alone time when you don't know how to do it?  Or maybe you don't understand what it is?  You start small and simple: prayer.  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to start a real relationship.  Then open your Bible.  Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your way of learning and studying the Bible.  I started with the Concordance and chose subjects that attracted me.  It grew from there.  At some point I learned a way to study deeper that worked for me.  
    As your attitude becomes more like Jesus, you begin to have a winning attitude.  That means you start giving your best in what you do.  You invest more into your relationships.  You may not see people often, but when you do you are present.  The stagnation of life becomes a things of the past even if nothing has changed other than your attitude.  You start looking for opportunities to serve instead of being served.
    If your life is stagnant then there is a possibility that Satan has gotten a grip on your life in one area or another.  Your attitude may have reverted back to what it once was.  You may find yourself in a state of ingratitude.  The quickest way out of this funk is to start counting all your blessings and thanking God for each one.
    A Christlike attitude is able to show affection.  You choose to show God's love to the world.  Life is not about you.  It is about Jesus.  The quicker you can accept that, the better off you are.  It is a sobering realization, but faith is not about what you can do.  It is believing and allow God to work in all the areas that you can't do.  
    That is why faith is a heart condition.  We naturally turn everything back to us because we can never escape ourselves.  Once your give your heart to Jesus to transform, then it is not just you in your mind or the toxicity of Satan's manipulations.  You have the life giving whispers of the Holy Spirit that make your mind and heart better.
    Life will always have issues.  However, with an attitude like Jesus they are a lot easier to put in a healthy perspective, deal, and work through.  That is why you have to carefully guard your heart.  Forgive to combat bitterness.  Be generous to combat greediness.  Be pure to combat lust.  Whatever your issues may be, do the counterpart in Jesus' name and you will find healing in time.

Psalm 137, Proverbs 24:1-4, Romans 15:5-6, & Philippians 2:5-11

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