Sunday, January 12, 2025

Family Unity Destruction


    No family is perfectly functional.  There are healthy families and unhealthy families, but they all have issues that they either work through or do not.  You can allow division in the family by allowing sin to be in the center.  Or you can work toward family unity by holding each other accountable and talking about issues.
    Sin is grievous to God, but it also causes pain in the family.  A family that ignores the sins live in conflict and contempt.  There is favoritism and jealousy.  There is greed and deceit because no one wants to confront uncomfortable issues.  It is easier to pretend than to call out the dysfunction in the family.  However, the family unit will never heal until the sins are brought to light and they decide to work together to change them.
    I think we all want a good and pleasantly united family.  God created the family to work together in unity.  We need each other.  Family needs to be more than blood.  We need to choose each other and be blood to be strong.
    There are some things that happen in the family that will break unity.  Hatred is the biggest and most destructive.  It can look different according to the sin, but basically once you decide you or certain sin strongholds are more important than other people in the family you have given life to hatred which is a lingering death.  Don't hold onto your anger or resentment, but confront it so you can let it go before it turns into hatred.
    A strong and united family wait on God's timing instead of insisting on taking control themselves.  Patience is not easy.  If you insist on doing things your own way or you will have the final say, then you you become a slave to your own thoughts and feelings.
    Wrath is the worst version of hatred.  It is when you allow your anger to control you instead of controlling your anger.  Wrath defiles a person by twisting them into something God never intended.  It brings the absolute worst out in a person.  In the family it will destroy the heart and peace of the family unit.
    Contempt is a dangerous sin for the family.  It is when you basically declare I am going to live the way I want to and no one will stop me.  You put whatever you want over the good of the family.  You basically emotionally abandon your family.  Family is a gift not to be ignored.
    Choose forgiveness over a hard or selfish heart.  It is the only way you can be gentle, merciful, kind, humble, and patient.  It takes loving like Jesus to be able able to live in perfect harmony.  If you are a Christian, then you are God's representative in life.  That can also mean in your family.

Genesis 27:41-46, Leviticus 19:17, Psalm 133, Mark 10:1-12, Galatians 6:1-2, & Colossians 3:12-17

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