Monday, January 6, 2025

Faith Foundation


    Salvation is only the beginning.  It is the base of your foundation of faith.  This is where the work begins.  You start building and growing your faith to make a strong foundation.  Once you have a strong foundation, then you build your ministry.
    A good way to build a strong foundation is to find a Biblically based church.  That means you have to study God's Word and then have sound questions to ask to make sure the church does things God's  way.  If they do, then they will be the church to help you become a strong Christian.
    As you grow in your faith, you grow in your ability to handle what God lays upon you.  I starts with reading God's word, but it develops into praying over God's Word.  Seeking ways to be closer to God and putting energy into your relationship with God every day.
    A family of Christians always helps.  It is a family that spends time in God's Word together.  They pray together.  They hold each other accountable.  The parents teach the children how to submit by how they live their lives, not the "lessons of life".  Their strong foundation shows the children how to have a strong foundation in their own home.
    God created you for a reason.  To know that reason starts with knowing Him and then getting to know who you are through Him.  When life gets hard, turn to Him instead of away from Him and you will learn wisdom.  The wisdom that you develop only helps you in the hard times.
    A Christian with a strong foundation gives their tithe out of love rather than obligation.  They understand that if they withhold God's money that they are stealing from God and it could actually make finances harder on them.  
    It all starts with your salvation.  It builds through your prayer life.  You gain wisdom and knowledge through God's Word.  You are held accountable through fellow believers.  When you put it all together you have your foundation for your Christian life.  It will either be strong or weak according to what you put into it.

Luke 6:47-49 & 1 Timothy 2:1-7

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