Sunday, January 5, 2025

Weak Christian Character


    A Christian with weak character is a Christian that loves the world too much.  They are the Christians that live like everyone else in the world.  Their character is weak because they are not fighting to follow Jesus.  They are choosing the easier path.
    A sign on if you have weak character: conforming to the world.  You know that you are conforming when you know and understand the truth about God's standards, but you choose to live your life how you want.  It takes intentionality to conform your mind to be like Jesus.  It will not happen on it's own.  Until you are able to conform your mind, you will never start to live differently.  You need to be in God's Word everyday to conform your mind to worship.
    The world is about schemes.  It is dominated by Satan.  He will twist all that is good and manipulate it into evil unless you resist his wily ways.  The world holds many good and beautiful things, but Satan will destroy it all for you if you open the door for him.  
    Another sign of weak character is reading and watching things of the world.  There is no true benefit to self-help if it is not based in God's Word.  It destroys you mind if you allow yourself to read and watch perverse things.  It does take determination to avoid and stay away from the things that will feed evil to your mind.  You have to be willing to live by the high standards of God to change this habit and yield a pure mindset.
    Metamorphosis is the process of transformation from something immature into mature.  It is usually defined for insects like butterflies.  As for Christianity, it is changing completely from one person into another.  Metamorphosis is required to change from being worldly into a strong Christian.  If you stay in the immature stage, then you will never see any of the benefits of Christianity while you are still alive.
    You can only experience a true metamorphosis if you encounter God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  Anything else is a lie.  God is the father that takes care of you.  Jesus is the only way to God.  The Holy Spirit helps you submit and renew your mind to be more like Jesus.  
    When you become a Christian, you are no longer able to think like the world.  You need to make the effort to transition a little daily.  The more effort you put in, the more you see just how much you need God.  If you are not transitioning at all, then you are not a true Christian.  You have taken the title and are allowing Satan to make a mockery of it.  You either hear from God or you block Him out.  There is no gray area here, but it is always your choice.

Psalm 82, Romans 14:1-15:2,  2 Corinthians 12:9-10, & 1 Thessalonians 5:14

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