Saturday, January 4, 2025

Strong Christian Character


    Character is the mental or moral qualities that distinctively describe a person.  It is an overall view of who you are as an individual.  Some people have an upstanding character in society, but that does not mean that their character does not need improvement.  We can't judge character by human standards.  We have to judge character based on God's standards.
    To build character it can require times in the heat of fire.  The heat of life events burns away or solidifies bad character.  If you allow it refine you to be more like God, then you will be the type person that draws people in.  People will trust you.  They will respect you.  Some people will be intimidated by you.
    For Christians the goal is to have a Holy character.  That is not a holier than thou character, but a humble character built on the foundation of God's laws, statues, and commandments.  You see yourself as equal to all other people, but not better than anyone.  You don't over think about how people see you because your goal is to please God.  They practice self-control.
    A person with a strong Christian character is a prayer warrior.  They are committed to their relationship with God and value their prayer life.  Their prayers are specific and logical.  They may ask for things that break the rules of logic, but they have logic in the prayer itself.
    A person desiring to grow their character to be holy will be in their Bible.  They are not just reading the words.  They are praying over what they read.  They are looking for God in every chapter.  They think about what they read and evaluate in how it can apply to them personally.  They discover what is right and apply it to their lives to the best of their ability or conviction at the time.
    A strong Christian character shows the world a better way of living.  They are generous with their time, money, and relationships.  They try to be active in church, but more than that they are trying to live like Jesus in the world.  They expect to be blessed because God promised blessing, not because they deserve it.  That is why their character is selfless with it's time, words, things, loving attitude, and all other aspects of what makes them who they are.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 13:4-7, 15:30-34, 1 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 Peter 1:13-16, & 2 Peter 1:3-4

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