Tuesday, March 18, 2025

God's Gift


    God's gift to people was Jesus.  Jesus was a common name, but God's son was special.  The name was revered.  It is heavy with significance now because of the Messiah.  In Greek, Jesus is Joshua. It means God saves or salvation of God.  
    Jesus gave new meaning to life and being touched by God.  He changed the perception of human conception, life, death, resurrection, and ascension by giving it meaning.  Jesus experienced all of these as a human, but he never stopped being God.  
    Bar-Joseph means son of Joseph.  Jesus was a gift to Joseph by being his "son" in life.  Joseph never took advantage of the reality.  He loved Jesus as his own son, but he never pretended that he was the real father.  Jesus was always the Messiah.  Joseph was the care giver and protector of the Messiah until Jesus grew up.
    Jesus is the one person that everyone needs.  People had been waiting on him for centuries. We are still waiting on him to return.  Waiting on Jesus' perfect timing is part of being a Christian.  It is not easy, but the wait is worth it.  He brings salvation, hope, and redemption.  He is the good news that brings great joy.
    Christ is a title, but Jesus is Christ.  He is Messiah.  He is savior.  He is the ultimate accomplishment by being the atoner, root of hope, and rescuer.  Jesus is the only one that is God and man.  He is the only way to true freedom.  Do you claim God's gift or are you going to let it go?  Will you become a masterpiece (prized possession of God) or remain living in your sin?

Matthew 16:13-20, Luke 2:21-35, Romans 6:20-23, Ephesians 2:8-10, & James 1:16-18

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