There are two perspectives on who Jesus is: the world's and those who follow him. The world sees him as a teach, prophet, loony, or mythical. Those that walk in faith know that he is the messiah. He is the only way to be made right with God. He is the only way to eternal freedom.
Take inventory of your life. Look at what you value. Be honest and really see your answers. Is there anything you need to change to be more eternal focused? Life is full of distractions, problems, and dilemmas. None of that matters if your eternal future is not secure. There is only one question that we ultimately need to get right: Do you believe in Jesus, his message, the truth, and are you willing to proclaim it?
People will say what they will about Jesus. The truth is that he is fully human and fully God. He lived as one of us for about 30 years, but he is eternal. He is special. He is more than a prophet. He raised the dead to give them life again.
You can know all about Jesus and still miss the big picture. Who is Jesus? Do you know him as a friend? It is personal because salvation is personal. Jesus asked his disciples, who do you say I am? He is asking you the same question. Peter was the first to get the answer correct, but just because you have the study guide, doesn't mean that you will get the answer correct.
Salvation is a revelation from God. It affects every aspect of who you are. It is a gift paid for in full by Jesus. All you have to do is believe and submit to him as your Lord. Do you know Jesus?
Proverbs 30:4, Ecclesiastes 12:8-14, Matthew 16:13-18, John 6:35-40, & Ephesians 2:8-10
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