Sunday, March 16, 2025

God's Only Son


    When you think about God only having one son, it comes with a lot of impact.  God is eternal.  His son is eternal.  The Holy Spirit which is often considered the famine aspect of the trinity is eternal.  We have parents.  They have a start and a finish.  We are born and we have an expiration date.  How does it work when there is no death, beginning, or end?
    God and Jesus never have been separated on any level except during the time Jesus lived as a human.  Jesus never experienced eternity without God, except while on the cross.  His time living as a human was the ultimate display of love from God and the son.  
    To follow Jesus is to live life with the attitude of love.  This means you have to understand the nature of God.  You have to learn to adopt the nature of Jesus.  He came to live as a humble servant to people.  He came in obedience to God's decision at the beginning of human history.  Jesus is God's glory, so he is also our glory.
    Have you taken the time to stop and think about the full impact of Jesus' human life really has on everything?  Are you thankful?  Do you see the blessings?  Have you examined your own heart in response to what Jesus has done?  His sacrifice is the ultimate act of love.  Jesus did it out of obedience to God, but also love for people.

Matthew 16:13-20, John 1:1-5, 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, &  Philippians 2:5-11

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