Friday, November 22, 2019

Facing Facts

     Why do we judge those who are not like us?  I think that deep down inside, we always think our way is the best way.  When people live life differently than what we approve of, then we judge them.  However, Jesus tells us not do not need to that or we become hypocrites.  When we judge others, then we are asking for God to judge us on all the things we do wrong.  Focus on your own faults and let God work on everyone else.
     People complain that they do not hear God's voice or that they have never seen proof that He exist.  However, Jesus told us to ask and seek, then we will find the answers.  We just have to look.  Knock on God's door (the Bible and prayer) and you will find secrets of the supernatural world.  Be persistent and God will make Himself known.
     There is only one way into Heaven and it is narrow.  I talk about following your path.  You path is through that narrow entrance, but the journey is personalized for your relationship with God.  He speaks to all of us differently.  Take any other path and you are inviting destruction into your life.
      There are people everywhere trying to take your focus off of God.  There are preachers telling you that anyone can enter Heaven if they live a certain way.  It just is not true.  Their lies a ferocious because they lead people straight to Hell.  You can recognize them from the fruit that they produce.  The fruit is the byproduct of your life, what comes from how you live.  If they do not produce fruit for God, then He has no choice but the cut them off to protect the rest of His people.  Unless Jesus knows you personally, then you will not be entering Heaven.
     Whatever you learn from Jesus, apply it to your life.  It is a wise life to live on His solid foundation.  You will be strong in life's ferocious storms.  He will protect you when you are His.  Only a fool would not want this life. There are just too many blessing and gifts amongst the hardships in life.  A fool will just crumble under the pressure when a wise person will thrive.  Follow Jesus and you will become a person of authority.  People will follow your influence.

Matthew 7

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