Saturday, November 23, 2019

Healing Faith

     Have you ever felt desperate for Jesus to do something in your life?  Have you ever been so sick that it feels like you will never feel better?  Or told that you are dying?  Or watch someone you love suffer with no peace?  It takes a tole.  It can bring out the worst in people.  The other option is to go to Jesus with your desperation.  He is the one person that can understand and never become weary of your desperation.  He is also the one who can take it away.
     A man with leprosy, the most dreaded deadly disease of the time, begging to be made clean.  Jesus saw and felt the man's desperate faith and healed him.   Jesus had the man to go to the priest to be a living testimony.  He needed the spiritual leaders to understand, but He also knew that He only made the man's life better.  He would still die one day from something.  He did not want the people to see him only as a physical savior.  He needs us to see Him for who He is: spiritual savior.
     A Centurion came to Jesus, Jews and Romans did not associate, yet he came on behalf of his servant.  This was rare for a person of his rank to care about the suffering of his servant.  The centurion's faith caused Jesus to heal the servant without going to him.  Faith holds the power to impress God.  Those who have faith understand that it is the only way to enter Heaven.  It doesn't matter who you are if you live by faith.
      He sent away demons, drove out evil spirits, and healed the sick as prophesied.  Yet, He did it because He truly cares.  He saves some people because their work on Earth is not done.  Storms come that will test your faith, don't give into the fear, but give it over to Him.  He has the power to calm the storms.
     When God helps you, what do you do?  Do you follow Him with more devotion?  Sometimes He has to let you go through things to break through hidden walls that separate you from Him.  You only get one chance at this life.  Do you you really want to waste it?  Without faith, there is only eternal suffering.

Matthew 8

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