Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to Prepare

     I think that Jesus always knew what was going to happen to Him.  However, the longer He lived in a human body and the closer the time came, I am sure it became less appealing.  He sacrificed Himself for the very people that still crucify Him. 
     He had to prepare Himself and His closest friends.  I think every time He talked to them about it, it was a way for Him to prepare Himself too.  Jesus had a few more prophecies to fulfill, so there would be no doubt when it happened:  riding a colt into Jerusalem.  Jesus entered the city as royalty.  This is still remembered as Palm Sunday.
     The first place He went was to His father's House.  He was disgusted by what He found.  He literally threw out the people whom had established a market at church.  They had turned God's house into a den of robbers.  Once He cleaned house, He began to heal people like normal.  When the hypocritical spiritual leaders approached Him, He took His men and left.  It was not time to truly confront them.
     The next morning, they headed back to the city for breakfast.  He saw a fig tree that bore no fruit.  He cursed it to never bear fruit again and it withered immediately.  it is what life looks like when we do not pray faithfully to produce spiritual fruit.  He was letting them know how important it is that people see Him in them.  They no longer had the option of doubt.  He needed them to pray where anything could happen.
     Jesus went back to teaching, so He could reach as many people in the last few days He had before His crucifixion.  He pointed out that the "biggest sinners" will enter Heaven before the "good person" because they see their need for Him. 
     He taught us how to stand firm and use our time wisely.  He taught us to live by our word, but be careful in whom you make an oath.  He showed us the way.  He showed us that He was rejected, so don't take it personally when you are rejected too.

Matthew 21 

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