Wednesday, December 11, 2019


     Have you ever been told that you are your own worst enemy.  I heard that a lot growing up.  I saw it to a certain extent, but I actually understand it now.  I am stubborn, but in my youth allowed stubbornness from allowing me to do what was in my best interest.  I had to be right.  It was the only card I had and it led me down a path of unnecessary pain.
     God uses stubborn people as an example to display how they miss out on the blessings that He is trying to give to them.  You can only ignore His invitation so many times before it is too late and you miss your opportunity.  Then the only option that is left is the last place you actually want to be.
     It is the humble and broken that you will find in Heaven.  These people will be put back together and become more beautiful than they ever were on Earth.  They will thrive because they saw their need for God. 
     Being stubborn makes you believe you are right when you are actually acting as a fool.  It is important to treat people with respect.  It is important to uphold business with integrity.  Pay what you owe in respect for God.  Don't be a stubborn hypocrite.
     There is no room for stubbornness in marriage.  It will destroy a good marriage quicker than you may think.  Marriage is to have a partnership here and now.  It is meant to make your life better.  In Heaven, we are all equal.  Marriage is not a thing.  We will all live like angels, simply serving God.  I believe we will all be happy and loving each other, but no complications, titles, or earthly distractions. 
     God came to us because we are the walking dead without Him.  We live for Him, not our own selfish desires.  God may use hateful people to get this message across to us.  He wants us all to understand what is at stake.  That is why the greatest commandment is love:  Him then each other.   It requires love to understand who He is.  If you don't understand who God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit is, then don't let stubborn pride keep you from discovering the most vital aspect of life. 

Matthew 22     

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