Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Lives Change

     You may know about Jesus, but until you have a personal encounter with Him, your life is not changed by Him.  This is when you have a real opportunity to have a living relationship with God.  It is not texting, being there only when needed, or the occasional call.  It is having Him in your life for eternity.  It is making room for Him to change you permanently.
     A Centurion went to Jesus on behalf of his servant. His faith healed the servant, but the encounter changed him.  Jesus then used him as an example on what real faith looks like.  It is not a one way street.  Jesus wants to be a part of your life.  He wants to see the change for Himself.  He wants to help, but sometimes He requires faith.
     Jesus saw a funeral of the only son of a widow.  His heart hurt for her because He knew her pain and what this would mean for her.  She now had no one to take care of her, so she would probably become a beggar and die on the streets.  He went to her and told her not to cry, then He touched the coffin and ordered the man to get up.  He gave her back her life and love.
     Jesus gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, working legs to the lame, cured leprosy, raised the dead, drove out demons, and helped the poor.  He did that when He was limited in a human body.  Imagine what He could do in your life now that He is not restricted.  Those whom chose to stay close to Him are blessed. Blessed are those who are not offended by Him or reject His plan for them.  Pray that one of the blessings is wisdom.
     Jesus was especially kind to women.  A woman of low reputation came to Him when He was eating at a Pharisee's house.  She had brought expensive perfume.  She used it to anoint Him.  Then washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.  She didn't need words.  She knew who He was.  She kissed his feet and poured perfume on them.  This repulsed the Pharisee, but Jesus gave her forgiveness.  Love covers all sorts of sin.  Love with faith gives salvation and the peace that comes with it.

Luke 7

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