Friday, January 10, 2020

We Plan, God Uses

     Jesus was born in a very interesting political time.  The Jews had their own government working through the church.  Then the Jewish  people were under the Roman Empire.  Caesar Augustus wanted the entire Roman Empire to be registered.  That included the Jews, so they had to travel back to their birth place (heritage).  Maybe God put the idea into his head or maybe he came up with it purely for selfish reasons.  We do not know.  What we do know is that God used it to get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem for Jesus' birth.
     Angels were there to place other people into play.  They went to the Shepherd in their joy.  The plan had finally become reality.  After they gave their message they returned home.  Jesus was on Earth.  The shepherd went to see Him to see if it was for real.  God used them to spread the good news to other people.  They glorified God.
     When Jesus was eight days old, He was taken to God's house to be circumcised and dedicated to God as was the Jewish law.  When they got to the temple, Jesus met an old man named Simeon.  He was righteous and devout to God.  He had refused to die until he met the Messiah, so the Holy Spirit made sure he did.  He blessed the whole family.
     In the same trip, Jesus met Anna.  She was a prophetess and an old widow.  She never left God's temple.  That kind of prayer life leads to a special connect to God, so she knew who Jesus was immediately.  She knew that he brought with Him redemption.
     Jesus continued to grow strong and full of wisdom  in His family home by the grace of God.  When He was 12, His family too another journey to God's house.  The Jewish people went as often as they could for the different religious festivals.  This time when they journeyed home, He stayed in the temple.  They would travel in caravans for safety and a sense of community.  They traveled home for an entire day before they realized Jesus was not with them.  It took three more days for them to find Him.  They found Him in the temple having discussions with the teachers of the Word.  When they confronted Him, He just replied He was in His father's house.  Jesus left with them and continued to grow up in Nazareth.

Luke 2

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