Friday, February 14, 2020

Am I Able?

     People follow Jesus because they want to see what He can do and want things from Him.  It is human nature to do things out of selfish motivation, no matter how small it may be.  It takes time for things to change.  You see what He has done and you are told that you have the power to do anything through Him.  I believe that we could do many of the things that He did, if we could change our motivation, truly believe, and ask Him to empower us.
     We need to follow Him in the hard times when you may be angry at Him, hurt, or maybe disappointed.  I think He allows this to happen to test you to see where your heart truly lies.  It is easy to say you are a Christian, but does that stand when your world is falling apart?  Are you really willing to sacrifice anything?  When you feel like you have nothing, are you encouraged to stretch further than you have ever stretched before by relying on faith alone?
     You have to live this way to be able to have God work through you in a BIG way.  Jesus fed 5,000 people with two small fish and five small barley loaves.  That is barely enough for two to three people.  Yet, everyone ate until they were content and there were 12 baskets of leftovers.  I believe that we cans still see Him move in big ways. 
     We have to believe and pray in a way that may seem outrageous.  Pray in a way you never prayed before.  Pray in a way that pushes your imagination, but not in a self-centered way.  When you get here, then you can be like Peter and walk on water with Jesus.  The trick is to stay focused and not allow the world (even nature) to distract you.  It will take practice and self-discipline.  The real question is: How do you want to live your life? 
     Don't be afraid to want things or ask things from Jesus.  He will gladly give to the humble hearted.

John 6:1-21

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