Sunday, March 8, 2020

Learning How to Pray: Part 3

     What do you long for in life?  The soul longs for salvation and will never be satisfied if it does not find it.  It finds hope in the Word.  Life has a lot of distraction, so it is easy to miss seeing or finding God's promises.  Just wait, don't be in a hurry, when feeling persecuted.  Wait on God who is trustworthy to do His thing.  While you wait, pray.  Cry out to Him in love and obedience.
     God's Word is eternal and faithful.  The promises there have or will happen.  Find delight there that will preserve you.  Evil may be lurking to try to destroy you, but it is limited.  God gives salvation and that is limitless.  It is the best defense against evil.
     Meditate throughout your day on God's Word.  It does not have to be just what you read that morning, but whatever the Holy Spirit or another puts into your head at any given time.  By doing this, then you will be wiser.  Understanding comes through obedience and hating evil.
     An oath is a very serious thing, especially to God.  Never take one without really being determined to fulfill it.  There will be elements in life that will try to stop you, but do not stray.  Pray for what you need to finish it and you will find joy in your heart.
     God is our refuge and shield against what we can't deal with.  Put your hope in Him as you resist evil and follow Him.  Find a healthy fear of Him.  The kind of fear that recognizes what He is capable of and how He rejects anyone who wanders toward evil.  Use that fear to be determined to do what is right, just, and best to serve Him.  Pray for God to give you discernment to know the difference between true light and what disguises itself as light.  Pray for understanding and your faith.  Find comfort in what He reveals to you.

Psalm 119: 81-128

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