Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Altar

    What do you think about when you hear the word altar.  I think of a lot of things: altar something like an attitude, a place of sacrifice, and then Jesus on the cross.  Altar actually means  a structure for worship.  It is a place to present sacrifices.  It was a place of slaughter.
    We have already established that God is in the details.  He wanted the worship to be done a specific way because He is the only real God.  He does not want to be confused with any other god.  
    Outside His home He had an altar and a courtyard.  He had oil for lamp stands, so there was always light.  That might not mean a lot today because we can walk into any room and flip a switch and there is light.  However, back then the night was dark and scary.  Light helps remove some fear.  He wanted His people to trust Him and not live in fear of the unknown.
    God is still in the details.  Things have changed.  We in theory do not live in barbaric times, but sometimes how we live does not display that.  Everything good in this world, He has had a part in it.

Exodus 27

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