Thursday, July 30, 2020

Boundaries Form

    We all have boundaries even if we don't realize it.  There are places in life we are not willing to venture and places we will fight to keep.  Boundaries are lines drawn that reveal quality, divides, or ends places or relationships.  Boundaries are a beautiful gift from God.
    Relational boundaries evolve and change slightly as you grow as a person or in your walk with God.  It is because you get stronger and He reveals things to you.  You may be able to handle more than what you used to.  Or you learn your limit and put a firm stop to certain things where you used to let them slide.
      As the Hebrews continue to fight their way through the promised land, they had to claim it.  The prerecorded boundaries were enforced because one tribe at a time would get their land over a span of many years because of how large it would be.  They had to go through a lot of people.  It takes determination and steadfastness not to get tired of the same old, same old.  War and death also take a tole on the people who have to do it.
    The Reubenites and the half of the Manasseh tribe that crossed over got their land first.  It was decided that they would help the others get their land until everyone had their own, so there would be no resentment or weakness in the ranks.
    Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land because he crossed God's boundary and let the people astray one time.  God's boundaries never move or change.  Moses was to commission, encourage, and strengthen Joshua as the new leader of leaders.  Joshua could not do the job well if he was afraid.  He needed Moses to do this.  
    Boundaries have vital purpose in life.  They are always forming with every relationship we have.  It is not something to take lightly.  Boundaries directly affect the quality of life you will have.

Deuteronomy 3

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