Friday, July 31, 2020

Rewarding Obedience

    People want joy, peace, love, and happiness in their lives.  Most of that depends on the mindset, but some of it is situational or depends on the mood.  Life is complex.  It is no linear or easily figured out.  This is a part of what makes it so beautiful and frustrating at times.
    God demands obedience even if it does not look rewarding.  The rewards that we get for obedience is just the icing on the cake.  He does it because He loves us.  However, when you don't see the reward immediately, it does not mean that you can just go off and do whatever you want no matter how appealing it may seem.  
    God is so serious about obedience that He commanded that we do not alter or add onto any of His laws or commands.  If society follows His guidelines then we could live in harmony if not at least in peace.  It is all the additional rules, regulations, and laws that people develop cause that division.  
    One of the best rewards for obeying God is wisdom.  When you begin to obtain His wisdom, then you can start teaching the next generation.  We all have a responsibility to make sure the next generation knows what God expects out of them.  Teaching is more than words, books, and lessons.  We teach by how we live.    
    Being a good example is by watching over your own eyes and body, so that you do not fall into idolatry.  It is possibly the easiest sin to fall into because we think of it as worshiping other gods, but it is putting anything before God.  He will destroy your life over idolatry to try to save your soul.  It is more of a reward if you protect your own heart.  Don't let the world corrupt it.
    God is with all of us.  He has proven Himself.  He hears you and desires for you to be near Him.  The more you obey Him and understand why you are obeying Him, the closer you become in your relationship with Him.  It all works together.

Deuteronomy 4

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