Saturday, July 25, 2020


    There is a time to reflect over the past to see where you are at today more clearly.  It is important not to linger, but to use what you have learned to map out where you want to go.  It will never look like you plan, but without a clear vision you don't go anywhere.  You don't grow or mature.  You life becomes stagnant.  Mapping your your life requires staging to get from one point to the next with God's guidance.  It is being prepared to deal with the life's punches and distractions which are inevitable.
    As the Hebrews prepared to enter the promised land and to say good bye to Moses, they took the time to recap all that had happened to them since fleeing Egypt.  It may not look like that much had changed, but they had changed.  They had seen a lot more in the world than most people of their time.  They had had experiences and seen miracle that no one could take away from them.  They had lived a life of preparation.
    The reflection led to determination on how to proceed.  God ordered them to wipe out the inhabitant in their land or they would always be a source of trouble and pain.  God was telling them how to have a less stressful lifestyle.  They were resolved to do as God commanded knowing that it meant killing women and children.  Killing the "innocent" has never sat well with any society.
    They were to destroy anything pagan that would become a detraction and cause destruction in their lives.  God had provided for them.  They did not need the pagan's things.  They understood what life was like to be obedient and disobedient to God.  His punishment would be more than they were willing to pay. 
    There are always consequences for good or bad.  Here is the sneaky thing that most people are not prepared for.  You can do what is good and right and it can feel wrong.  You may initially get negative feedback or feel punished, but God will redeem it and you eventually.  
    On the other hand it can cause people to become bitter seeing the wicked of the world flourish.  Don't allow bitterness in your heart.  Remember where they are headed and feel pity for them.  This is the reality of living in an imperfect world.

Numbers 33

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