Friday, July 24, 2020


    When I hear the word tribe I think of the Native Americans or some outdated description of the Jews before they were called Jews.  However, we all have out tribes.  The word is an unifying word that is about inclusion instead of exclusion or going at life alone.  A tribe is a group of people with the same political and/or social beliefs.  It can be family, friends, church, work, or organization.  
    When they neared the promised land the nation needed to make some decision for what was best for each of the 12 tribes.  Two of the tribes wanted to stay where they were and not cross the transjordan into the promised land.  
    Moses was not yet dead.  He was still organizing and getting the house in order.  He was worried that the two tribes would anger God and that they would all be punished.  After all the last time they did not enter the promised land when given the opportunity they had to wonder the desert for 40 years.  
    Moses went to their leaders to remind them the cost of sin.  Caleb was the only one who had been over 20 that was being allowed to enter.  Did they really want to risk another generation?  
    The two tribes had to convince Moses that it was not an act of rebellion, but an act of contentment.  They were happy where they were.  They were not being rebellious or angry toward the nation.  They still wanted to be an unified nation, but they wanted their tribes to stay where they were.  To prove their point, they built up a city for the children, women, and flocks.  Then they would go with the nation to help them claim their land.  They made a vow to always come when the nation needed them.
    We do not have to agree with everything (nor should we) that our tribe does, but we all need unity.  We all need other people and feel connected.  We all need to be committed to something.  We need to have passion and people to share that passion.  A life without a tribe is a sad life.  It is a lonely life that God never designed for any of us.

Numbers 32

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