Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Covenant Part 2


    A Covenant is more than a promise, a bond, or keeping your word.  It is a pact, alliance, sacred agreement between two people or a person and God.  It is something that is to never be broken.  Marriage is an example of a covenant.  It is living out your word intentionally every day.
    A covenant has terms.  People have to work things out to make it workable for each individual.  If not, then there is no way it will ever succeed.  It requires understanding the person that you make it with and they understand you.  It is not based on feelings, so it doesn't matter if you like each other, but there does need to be mutual respect and understanding that people change over time.
    A covenant with God requires obedience.  You do as He has commanded and He has your back in all circumstances.  Never stray from your covenant with Him (personal decision of being a Christian) and you will prosper in life.  You will see things last.  You will see things that don't make sense, but work.
    A covenant is a sealed oath which means you can't just go your own way.  You have to learn His Word to be able to follow it.  In marriage you have to honor your vows.  Whatever form the covenant is, you have to honor it.  You choose it willingly, there is no turning back now.  
    God does not forgive a broken covenant.  If you break your covenant with Him, then you are cursed.  You life becomes a disaster in your own eyes.  Your children will pay the price.  His anger is not something you want to play around with.  
    Nothing is worth living a life in anger, rage, and wrath due to being cursed.  Don't live like that.  Ask God to reveal the hidden things in His word to you.  Ask Him to reveal the hidden things in your life.  Chose to stay close to Him and begin to see the world through His eyes.  It is beautiful.

Deuteronomy 29

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