Monday, August 3, 2020

Drive Out

    We all have things that we need to removed or drive out of our lives.  It can be negative thinking, worry, addiction, or even people that cause more harm than good.  It is not defeat to chose change in your life.  It is not defeat to seek a closer relationship with God no matter the cost.  You are only defeated if you stop trying to communicate, pray, or growing in faith with God.
    God sometimes commands people to drive out others, demons, or Satan.  He understands that if we allow them to stay that it can be the death of a thriving spirit.  No matter how strong you are evil has a way to mess you up.  That is why He commanded His people to drive out the inhabitants of the promised land.  They had to fight for what they wanted.  They had to be steadfast to be able to keep peace of mind and lifestyle.
    God told them not to show mercy which is opposite of His normal attitude, but He knew what was at stake.  Those people would not change, but they would lead His people to dark places.  They would drive a wedge between Him and His people.  He had the power to wipe them out, but He wanted His people to do it instead.  We can never truly appreciate some of His gifts unless we have to work for it or receive it after a battle.  Sometimes we need clarity or a new perspective.
    Today we still have to fight to have a purified home.  We have to fight to have peace in our heart and mind.  We have to work at healthy relationships.  There is no time for fear of loss, so remember how He has always been there for you.  He will not leave you now.

Deuteronomy 7

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