Sunday, August 30, 2020

Stepping Up


    I think it would be intimidating to be the leader of a nation, movement, or a group after a leader that was just amazing at their job.  Joshua had been groomed to succeed Moses, but when the time came I wonder if he was a little nervous.  I wonder if he allowed the human feelings to seep in or if he pushed them away.  
    Joshua knew what had to happen.  He had a plan.  All he had to do is follow it through.  He had been Moses' personal assistant for 40 years.  He had the skills, but it was God who chose him to lead the nation.  
    God promised to never forsake His people.  Joshua had that promise to hold onto.  He was told to be courageous many times, so I do think he had his moments of doubt or fear.  Yet, he chose to follow God to the end no matter what.  Joshua chose to invest his time in God's word, so that he would not distort or stray from it.  He was focused on it day and night, even when he was not literally reading it.
    Fear is a thief of prospect.  If we let fear rule, then we will never accomplish anything worthy in life.  God is stronger than fear.  Focus on him instead of feeding the fear and you will see Him work in your life.  Chose to follow Him no matter where it may lead you and you will see some amazing things.  You will really live.  The other option is a life of living death.  

Joshua 1

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