Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Allotment Part 3


    An allotment can be a mess if it is not handled right.  Dividing up things, especially land, without organization, an understanding, and someone handling the people is stressful.  If not handled properly it can lead to severe arguments.  Many families have parted ways over inheritances because there was no will or respect for the will.  Things are nice, land is valuable, but people are what matter in life.
    When the Hebrews allotted the land there were seven tribes that still did not have possession of their inheritance.  I am sure they were anxious to get their land and to be able to settle down and live the rest of their lives in peace.  The seven tribes were Benjaminites, Simeonites, Zebulunites, Issacharites, Asherites, Naphtalites, and Danites.  
    Joshua sent three men from each tribe to survey their land and divide it up into seven portions according to God's instructions.  When they returned they were expected to had written a very detailed description and Joshua decided if they divided it properly.
    Joshua approved of the division and they took their land.  Joshua was the last to get his inheritance.  He proved himself a good leader by making sure all his people were taken care of before thinking of himself.  God designated the city Timnah-serah for Joshua.  It was in the hill country of Ephraim.  I can imagine just how beautiful and peaceful it was.

Joshua 18 & 19

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