Wednesday, September 16, 2020



    The prison system has been around since humanity became a thing.  Some people have to be separated from society for their own good and the safety of other people.  There needs to be valid reasons.  It has nothing to do with the fact that they do not fit, look different, or are different.  Prison is for people that need to live with the guilt of what they did.
    God's format for prison is fair and valid.  A prison was a city just for criminals.  In that city they were safe from the death penalty and society was safe from them.  They took care of themselves.  There were no guards, abuse, or threats.  They understood that if they left the city that they forfeit their lives and the people they hurt had every right to kill them.
    The prison system was called City of Refuge.  It was also where foreigners could go to feel safe and live how they pleased.  It was originally designed for people who committed accidental murder.  Premeditated murder always had the death sentence.  God does not approve of prolonging things.  If a death sentence is issued by an assembly of peers, then it should be carried out immediately.  
    In America we do okay with the prison system, but we allow too many political games, persuasion, and biased to interfere.  We try to be fair, but we have such a wide spectrum of what is fair.  We need to take a step back to review why the founding fathers wrote what they wrote for the foundation of the American Nation.  We need to allow God back into the judicial system.  Only then will it be fair to all people.

Joshua 20

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