Saturday, September 5, 2020

Destroy the Dream


    Life happens and it makes it hard to see your dream dream clearly.  Life can be hard, but we have to stop and take a look to see how much of our problems have been brought on by bad decisions.  When we start down a road that God has not mapped out for us, then we can destroy our dreams.  When we are unfaithful there are consequences.
    A few Hebrews took some religious articles from the Jericho before burning it.  Joshua was unaware.  He believed that his men would honor the instructions given by God.  I guess the item was really nice and the temptation was too great for Achan.  He probably thought it was a harmless act to take one item.  God doesn't see anything harmless about disobedience.  
    After Jericho the Hebrew army went to Ai.  He was on a spiritual high, so maybe that is why he felt no one could stop them.  After all God promised all of them this land.  Maybe that is why he did not pray over going to battle with Ai.  He trusted the report he had recieved.  
    They thought it would be an easy defeat because they didn't have much resistance.  However, because of the sin of Achan everyone suffered.  The heart of the nation was crushed.  Joshua felt the defeat as a mighty blow.  He didn't understand the reason why they did not succeed.  
    Joshua went to God over the huge loss.  That is when God told him that he had a rebellious traitor among them.  To defiantly sin is a traitorous act of violating His covenant.  They would not succeed again until the object was destroyed.  Joshua learned from this mistake.  Don't assume to know what God is thinking or that the plan does not alter.  God to God every step of the way to avoid pain and suffering of loss.
    The next Day, Joshua went from tribe to tribe, family by family, until he found the person responsible for the loss of several lives.  When it came to Achan's turn, he confessed his covetousness and desire for wealth.  Once the item was found it was burned.  Achan and his entire family including his animals were stoned to death for harming the entire nation.  God's anger was removed and He was with His people again.
    It may seem harsh, but the actions of one can affect an entire nation.  Selfish desire will destroy a dream because God can't go with you.  A dream that aligns with God is a dream that benefits more than just yourself.  You will profit, but so will the people around you.


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