Sunday, September 6, 2020

Dream Takes a Detour


    There are several ways for a dream to take a detour.  You can get distracted by life.  You can be distracted by people.  The dream can shift.  It can take a detour due to sin.  If you have enough time in life, then you can always get back on track.  A detour is not an finale to a dream.  It can make you want it more.
    The dream of the Hebrew nation was detoured because of one man's selfish ambition.  That selfishness destroyed his dream and the lives of the ones he loved most.  However, once Joshua dealt with that sin, the dream of the nation was ready to resume in full force.
    The whole thing had shaken Joshua.  He had not dealt with the follow through on a severe punishment before.  Moses had always taken care of the truly hard and painful part.  This affected him deeply, so God told him to not be afraid or discouraged.  Go after Ai now with the whole army and they would succeed.  They needed to be united now or it would become a fracture that never would heal properly.
    This time God allowed them to take the plunder after the city was taken.  Once they got what they wanted Ai was burned.  Burning is part of cleansing.  It cleans away all remembrance of evil.  In one day, they killed 12,000 residence of Ai.  The city was never put back together.
    After the victory, Joshua built an altar to honor God.  He did so according to how it was written in the book of laws written by Moses.  Everyone gathered together as Joshua read all of the law.  They did not want to make the same mistake as Jericho.  They felt the victory, but they knew it was because of God and not themselves.  (This was probably the first time Rehab had every heard God's law.)
    When your dreams take a detour, go to God.  Inquire of Him if it is just a detour in life and ask if He has something for you to learn.  Or find out if you have some hidden sin.  If that is the case, repent and altar your course.  Honor God in all that you do and the dream will find it's way back on track.  
    Don't sleep through life.  Become part of the 5am club and be productive: personally, physically, and professionally.  Put in the hours in life and you will see reward.  Use your mind and be creative to find excitement and fulfillment in your day.  Don't let life pass you by.

Joshua 8

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