Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Making the Dream a Reality


    Dreams are a funny thing.  They evolve, grow, change as we do.  They are rarely set in stone, but they are a strong motivation in life.  A life without dreams seems so lifeless.  It is like the unconsciousness mind has no extension to reality.  Dreams an be exciting, scary, and beautiful as they give life flavor.  
    The Hebrew nation crossed the Jordan river as their first united act in making the dream a reality.  When they had all crossed, God had twelve men from each tribe take a stone from the middle of the stopped up river.  As soon as the twelve were done getting the stones and everyone had crossed, the river returned to normal.
    They gave the large stones to Joshua whom made an altar.  Each stone represented the each tribe united.  This is where they stayed the night.  They took the night to reflect, prepare, and appreciate where they were.  There was 40,000 fighting men ready for battle just as Moses had planned.  
    Joshua went to God in revere to dedicate the rest of his life to service to God.  Joshua was a get it done type of leader.  He did not stop to second guess himself and that is why God used him.  That place was called Gilgal.  It became a reminder for generations to fear God and always put Him first.
    To make your dream a reality you have to go to God first.  Ask Him to prune your dream.  He will change your dream if it does not line up with His plans for you.  He will help you with the planning and taking action.  He gave you your brain and made it work the way it does for a reason.  Let Him use it to the best of its ability.  You can't rush the process.

Joshua 4

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