Thursday, September 3, 2020

Making the Dream a Reality: Part 2


    Everyone should have a dream.  It should be personal and purposeful.  It could be for a family, career, serving God, your home, or something else.  It doesn't really matter what it is as long as you have a dream.  There are corporate dreams too.  Those are the dreams of the church, government, schools, and other organizations where your personal desires have to work with other people's desires to accomplish something meaningful.
    The Hebrews scared people because of the things that God did in their lives.  As a nation, they worked together to make the dream a reality.  God used that to reveal His love, power, compassion, and plan.  Once the nation crossed the Jordan river, the males that were circumcised at Gibeath Haaraloth.  It was not something they could do in the desert and it was time.  The past was dead and the future awaited them, but they had to be in line with God's commands and pure before they could get it.
    They changed the name to Gilgal.  They stayed there for 14 days while the men had the procedure done and they healed.  It all lined up with the Passover.  They celebrated the Passover before they ventured out to take what was their by decree of God.  He had provided manna for them for 40 years in the desert, but now the manna stopped producing.  It was no longer needed.  They would have what they needed in their new home.
    Joshua had a conversation with the commander of God's army.  God had sent him to instruct Joshua.  Joshua took his shoes off in his presence to keep the space Holy and bowed.  Joshua did as he was commanded willingly and humbly.
    You cannot accomplish your dreams fully, if at all, without God and be able to enjoy it.  You have to acknowledge and submit to the fact that He has a say in the dream.  He has a broader scope of what your dream can really accomplish.  Take the time to honor Him throughout the process of getting what you want.   Purify yourself and keep your heart in check, so that it does not become all about you.  

Joshua 5

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