Sunday, November 22, 2020

God's Promise


    God's promises are a precious thing because they bring security in an insecure world.  Everything is constantly changing and that can produce fear.  God's promises are that warm security blanket that we can all wrap up in.  They can make the broken heart feel loved.  It is what gets some people out of bed in the morning.
    The prophet named Nathan went to David to give him some direction from God during the time of peace.  David has a close personal relationship.  That is special, but sometimes when you spend so much time with a person, that you start taking them for granted.  David was not taking God for granted, but he did need to hear from Him in a new way.  God send Nathan to comfort David , but to also remind him that his work was not done.  
    God promised to establish David's royal line forever.  It just was not how anyone would predict.  David's reign would continue for eternity through Jesus a few hundred years down the road.  We are linear in thinking, so everyone assumed that it would be in the throne on earth, never considering Heaven.
    David sat before God with a humble heart contemplating all he had been told.  He was prepared to accept anything God said with thanksgiving in his heart.  God knew David's heart, so no words were needed.  He knows our hearts too.  He doesn't need to hear our prayers, He just wants to hear our voices.  He wants to be as close to us as we will let Him (closer really).  
    While David sat there he went through all God had done for the Israel nation.  He was able to see all the promised fulfilled throughout history.  This established a stronger trust.  When we look back in our history and see how much worse things could have been, it helps us appreciate what we have now.  It gives us comfort that He will be there in the future.  
    David in that moment vowed to please God.  It was a vow made out of love and trust.  Our vows may look a little different, but this week of thanksgiving we should reflect and refocus.  It is a time to find gratitude in the small moments.  It has been a hard year on everyone, but it has been a year of blessings too.  Go into Thanksgiving with all the blessings on your heart and tongue.  God has promised to never leave you.

2 Samuel 7

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