Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Ark of the Covenant Part 1


    Can you tell the difference between a relic and an idol?  They are very similar.  In the Christian world an idol is identified with sin, so many will go out of their way not to appear to have any idols.  In reality, idols have more to do with the mind and heart connection than the object itself.  A relic is an object that is identified or associated with a saint or martyr.  It is a thing that survived a major tragedy.  An idol is an object that is worshipped while a relic is a remembrance.  
    How does the ark fall into this?  The ark was a symbol for the Hebrew people that God was with them.  Over time some people turned it into an idol which is why I believe that God had it taken out of the picture for good.  Nothing is to be worshipped, not even in His name.  I see it more like a relic.  Something made to honor God that survived so many horrible things.  
    King David was transparent about what the ark was and the power it contained.  He assembled his people to gather the ark and bring it to it's permanent home.  However, he was not educated enough to understand how to handle the ark with the proper respect.  Not understanding God's ways cost a man his life.  
    The celebration quickly turned to a moment of fear and anger.  The ark did not make it to Jerusalem until David was better educated and that means prepared to bring something of great Holy power into a city God would be watching over.
    God set certain rules when the ark was made about whom could approach it or even touch it.  It was powerful because it was how God chose to travel with His people.  It needed to be taken seriously and humbly.  It was good to celebrate the rescue of the stolen ark, but within God's boundaries.  To ignore or not educate yourself about God's boundaries can be a deadly mistake.

1 Chronicles 13

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