Friday, February 12, 2021

Organized Government

     Government is vital for society to function.  We may not like how it is run, but very few people come up with ways to make it better.  We can get angry, indifferent, motivated, or anything in between.  It means nothing unless you are willing to educate yourself about your government, foreign government, and spiritual government.  You need to be well rounded to see options and have the ability to make change.  Otherwise you are just another voice among hundreds.
    David was an organized king.  He started with learning what the people's needs were.  Then he structured the church.  When he had that down, he made sure the government was well organized and functioning.  He did not stop with the top jobs, he knew what was going on down to the jobs that the average person would not want.  He made sure his people had a way to take care of their financial needs without government hand outs.
    King David set apart the people that prophesied because he knew the nation needed them.  He had a list of performers and musicians to make life better for the people.  He understood how music made life more enjoyable and peaceful for the people.  He introduced the healthy lifestyle of balancing work, family, church, and friends into everyday life starting with the government.
    He listed the gatekeepers because they were the security of the cities.  If an enemy got passed them then the people were vulnerable.  They were the eyes and ears of the city.  It was an honor to be chosen.  It also displays how the church and the government worked together.  They were woven together and neither would work without the other.
    He chose one family to inherit the job over the treasury.  It had to be a person with a good and honest reputation.  This is a person that had to live out integrity and have the ability to teach it to his children and teach his children to be able to teach their children.  The family had to be educated or the nation would go to ruin.  The money of the nation was tied into the money of the church.
    David organized the army into divisions.  Each division had 24,000 men.  Each of the 12 tribes had a list of overseers to keep the everyday government running smoothly.  He reorganized the court system.  They kept records of all the property of the land and who owned and farmed it.  It was so organized that the list even included what was being farmed.  
    David introduced counselors into the government.  These were men of understanding and education.  Their job was to help the army strategize and the government to see all perspectives to make the best educated decisions.
    David made sure that everyone that had a government job was listed from the least to the greatest.  He made sure that they understood what their job was and why it was important.  He was a great leader for that alone.

1 Chronicles 25-27

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