Wednesday, June 16, 2021

God's Refuge Part 2

    God's refuge is extensive.  It can be shelter from yourself when you are being your own worst enemy.  It can be from people pursuing to harm you.  It has such a broad spectrum because God does not fit on the linear line of life that we understand.  He is too magestic to be put into a box.  Today we are going to focus on God's refuge from oppression.
    We may live in the land of the free, but that does not mean that we are not oppressed.  It looks different from countries that don't have the laws of protection, but it is there.  It is allowed because it is not obvious or in the spot light.   There is oppression due to race, sex, religion, and handicaps.
    Oppression makes a person feel alone, unheard, and hopeless.  You may feel like you are calling out to God until you are hoarse.  You may feel weak and needy because the burdens of oppression are so heavy.  God is listening and He does care.  He is working in you and around you in a way that may not be obvious.  When we focus on the problem we can't see what He is doing.  We need to remember His words which are pure and strengthening.
    God keeps our souls safe, even it the body is not.  Life on earth is temporary.  He is more concerned about what happens after the body is gone, but He does want His children to have a good life on earth.  That does not guarantee happiness all the time.  The wicked may appear to triumph, but it is short lived.  We just have to trust God's reasoning.

Psalm 12

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