Thursday, August 25, 2022

Judgment & Verdict


    God is the ultimate judge that gives each person their eternal verdict.  It is better to live for Him now than try to make good with Him once it is too late.  Once you have faith, then you can see how much better life is with Him than without.
    Listen to God and lay out your case before Him.  The time of judgment is when all can hear your complaints.  However, it is time for you to hear His suit against you too.  His argument is solid.  It is firmer than your argument because it is based on the covenant.  His verdict carries consequence.  He has made it very clear what He requires from you: act justly, be faithful, and humble your heart to Him to be able to accept salvation on His terms.
    God's gift of life is righteous.  People have a way to messing it up and justifying it.  Our justification is biased and emotional.  God laid everything out black and white.  When it comes to the verdict, there is no gray area.  Like with a parole hearing, you may sound convincing, but God knows the true nature and heart.  He knows real remorse versus wanting to get out of trouble.
    God's voice will call out the judgment and verdict.  The wise pay attention and are afraid.  There is no treasure in being wicked.  The days of lies are over.  Deceit will not get anyone anywhere at this point.  All sins bring desolation.  It only takes one to need salvation.  You can justify yourself all you want, but that goes no where with God.  
    God is the ultimate authority.  Government officials will never out rank Him.  They will have to face Him for how they led their people.  It is a job of service, not to make your pockets fuller or live how you desire at the expense of others.  They are responsible in leading all their people to improve society.  That means they need to address racism, greed, selfishness, sexual immorality (adultery, homosexuality, and pornography).   They need to help the orphans, helpless, and sick.  
    Leaders need to lead their people to oppose all this too.  We will all be held accountable for our actions, heart, and attitude.  We need to be in constant awareness of who our companions are and if we are conforming to the world instead of having the world conform for God.  

Micah 6

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