Friday, September 2, 2022

Day of the Lord Part 2

    Joel and Zephaniah both talk directly about the Day of the Lord, but they both have different perspectives.  God came to them in different times and places.  They have their own perspective on what God showed them.  Yet, they stick to the facts.  The Day of the Lord would come.
    God came to Zephaniah durint the reign of King Josiah of Judah.  God told the prophet about His plans to cleanse the world.  Jerusalem and the Judah nation would be cut off for not acknowledging God.  He was the creator of their world after all.  No one will go unscathed from punishment.  The time of violence and deceit has to end.  Repentance is the only option.
    Zephaniah calls the Day of the Lord a great day.  It would not be a great day for anyone alive, but the end result would be great.  The world will see how close God is and how quickly he can change things.  The fiery day was nearer than believed.  
    The great Day of the Lord is the day that God pours out His wrath completely.  It is a curse that leads to ruin and distress because people do not follow God's commands and statutes.  It will be sudden and will end almost as quickly as it began, but everything will have changed.

Zephaniah 1  

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