Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Disobedience & Fasting


    God came to Zechariah about two years after his visions (518 BC).  God had Zechariah confront God's nations about their fasting rituals.  Fasting is supposed to be about your relationship with God.  It is not about a ritual or looking Holy.  God was giving Zechariah sermons for the rest this book.
    God's nation didn't understand the meaning or reason behind fasting, so they were doing it wrong.  The priest and some prophets were not giving them proper direction.  Fasting goes with lamenting before God.  Fasting, prayer, and sometimes petition go together.  There is no point in fasting unless it is done in obedience to Him.
    God is the administer of true justice.  His justice shows mercy and compassion, never oppression.  People make their hearts hard and chose not to listen to God.  By the way, ignoring God is a great way of making Him mad.  When His nation ignored Him, He scattered His nation.  The pleasant lives of the stubborn were demolished.
    We are supposed to be Christ like.  That means that we are supposed to show compassion and love, not oppression.  We are not supposed to plot against one another.  Instead listen to the Holy Spirit within you.  God takes social injustice very seriously.  

Zechariah 7

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